Welcome to START TODAY!
START TODAY was founded in 2018 by Rachel Hollis, a 3 x New York Times Bestselling Author, top podcast host, sought-after speaker and entrepreneur of 20+ years.
The Start Today community are people from every walk of life with one thing important thing in common: we’re all trying to become a better version of ourselves. For some, that’s about getting healthy in mind and body. For others it’s about building their business –or themselves– to the next level.
This is a community of dreamers and doers. This is a cohort of learners and leaders. This is a space where we celebrate trying again, learning from failure and rooting each other on.

We believe in ending procrastination and perfectionism and doing the thing... whatever it is!
We strive to create products that encourage people to achieve their dreams and experiences that transform the way they see themselves.
Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Start Today.