How to Build Your Best Morning Routine xyz

Morning routines are all the rage on social media. But of all the things the internet likes to romanticize… this habit is totally worth the hype. 

Building a great morning routine allows you to start the day doing something only for YOU. It allows you the space to work on whatever you need to; maybe it is to work on your health and fitness or to start writing the book or even just reading a great book without interruption. Whatever it is, this is time for you!

Here are our tips to build your best morning routine: 

1. Make the time

You won’t necessarily already have the time and space to add great new habits, you have to make the time. Commit to waking up one hour earlier and use the time to work on yourself. If you want to start changing your life, you must change your habits. 

2. Get a good night’s sleep 

Someone has to say it: stop sabotaging yourself by staying up all night to binge the newest show on Netflix. Your morning routine starts the night before because getting up early doesn’t really help if you’re in a sleep deficit. Aim for 8 hours of sleep, even if that means you’re going to bed way earlier than you used to. This is crucial! 

3. Establish a coffee ritual

Or tea or matcha or lemon water… establish a ritual around your morning beverage. Make your first drink of the day a spiritual practice by adding intentionality and savoring the process. Hydrate while your coffee brews. Use the moment to stretch out or jump up and down to wake up. Set your intentions for the day. This is a great opportunity to ground yourself and be present before you begin your busy day. 

4. Daily gratitude practice 

This is a key component in the morning routine and we’ve seen this habit change so many people’s lives. True energy comes from within and starts with a grateful heart. Spend some time reflecting on all you have to be thankful for and jot them down in your journal

5. Read a good book

If you read 10 pages (or even 5!) of an improving book everyday, it would literally change your life. The wisdom we can find inside the pages of the great teachers and thinkers are the breadcrumbs we need to guide ourselves down the path of life. So make sure that reading something helpful (no, vampire romance novels don’t count) is part of each and every morning. 

6. Get your blood pumping 

Some people prefer to workout in the evenings but we’re big believers in morning movement. A walk around the neighborhood, a dance session in your kitchen or even a full-on strength training session if you’ve got the time. Moving your body for at least 30 minutes will increase your energy throughout the day!

Everyone’s morning routine should be different because we are all different! The point of your morning routine is that it serves you and helps you become the best version of yourself. If you’re working on your morning routine, be sure to tag us @thestarttodaybrand so we can see and cheer you on. 

Want to learn more about building a morning routine? Listen to our podcast HERE.

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