5 Easy Habits to Build into Your Routine to Get You Moving

We get lots of questions about how to get motivated to work out or build exercise habits that actually last. Wanting to move your body and making a habit out of it are two very different things. If you’re feeling unmotivated to get your sweat on right now, we believe the small habits you build into your routine are crucial to accomplishing a larger goal. Here are a few small habits you can build into your routine to set yourself up for success. 

  • Set out your exercise gear the night before.
  •  Before you tuck yourself into bed, set out your clothes, shoes, headphones, and whatever else you need the night before in a place that’s highly visible. When you wake up, your brain will signal to you that you made this commitment to yourself.

    We love implementing new habits like this by stacking a new, healthy habit on top of one that already exists. For example, after brushing your teeth at night, lay out your workout clothes for the next day. After putting the kids down to bed, grab your pair of workout shoes and place them by the door. After filling up your glass of water to stay hydrated. We love this method popularized by habit coaches like James Clear. Give it a try below!

    After _____[current habit]______ , I will ______[new habit]_______.

  • Be specific with your intentions every week: I will exercise on [DAY] at [TIME OF DAY] at/in [PLACE].
  • Before you begin a new week, get specific with what you want to accomplish. How many days will you intentionally move your body? How long will it be? Where will you do it? The key isn’t to do anything drastic, but to be consistent about it.

  • Do small exercises.
  •  The best way to make movement a habit is to perform exercises that get you moving even if you’re low on motivation. Don’t burn yourself out when you’re just at the beginning. Start with something easy where you and your body can’t say no. Have you checked out these easy ways to move your body if you don’t feel like it? Browse through and start with one activity that you can get consistent with every day.

  • Share about your workouts!
  • One of the best ways to make progress in your health & wellness journey is to keep up the accountability. Grab a partner or hop on our social media and share the changes you’re making every day to move your body!


  • Log your progress.
  • When you’re just starting to move your body again, don’t get too caught up about the end goal. Make consistency the priority instead of the results. By focusing on the habits you start today, you can create the results you want. Have you heard of the new RISE App coming this August? The new app will give you the capabilities to log your progress every day, so you can focus on the habits over the results. Be sure to sign up to be the first to know when it’s available!